The 2016 Christmas Experiences of the Experienced Mediator

Christmas is “the most wonderful time of the year”… for singers!

I have just sung Handel’s “Messiah” and I am now on to “Vivaldi Gloria” followed by carols and more carols up to midnight on Christmas Eve.

This year the strangest music I perform will be Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” at a Nine Lessons and Carol Service. Not the best performance of that song ever made I imagine!

We are also forming an office choir on the last day in the office before the Christmas break to sing a few Christmas carols. It will definitely be an event to avoid!


What has this got to do with Mediation?!

Music somehow enables me to relax and stay calm during the most conflicted mediation sessions.  Calmness, reflection and active listening are all part of an experienced Mediator’s armoury.  To mediate Christmas dates does sometime need directive mediation and I have the advantage of experience in virtually every type/style of Christmas sharing issues.


“Tis the season to be jolly” or is it “Bah Humbug”?

With only a few weeks to go now before Christmas, life is hectic here.  I am working and am happy to work long hours to assist in those intractable Christmas children disputes where time has simply run out for Court decision.

I would aim at a one session mediation which would include a MIAM assessment immediately prior to the start time.

Remember if one parent is legally assisted – the first mediation session is free for both parents. If neither parent is eligible for legal aid funding, then the fee for Christmas mediation session is £196 inclusive of VAT per person per session.

It is not an option to go to Court, so what is going to happen? Mediation is the answer.  You only have to speak to any member of my team, express the urgency and I will be here to mediate early, late or whenever suits.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The only time I am definitely unavailable is the date of my own big Christmas musical extravaganza and I cannot end this blog other than to wish you all a very Merry Christmas by enclosing contact details to purchase tickets to sing along and listen to Christmas music with 1,500 others accompanied by 120 singers and a huge orchestra:

Order/buy your tickets now!

Tel:              Pat Clerk – 07540 087 220





Richard Randall, Mediator

Leonard Gray Mediation

T:      01245 264 764


A:      72 -74 Duke Street Chelmsford Essex CM1 1JY

(DX: 3309 Chelmsford 1)
