The Experienced Mediator’s Christmas Blog
Christmas, that time of peace and goodwill is only a short time away and don’t I know it! Christmas is a frenetic time for [Read more]
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Christmas, that time of peace and goodwill is only a short time away and don’t I know it! Christmas is a frenetic time for [Read more]
Christmas is “the most wonderful time of the year”… for singers! I have just sung Handel’s “Messiah” and I am now on to “Vivaldi Gloria” [Read more]
In the majority of mediations I undertake, both parties are represented by solicitors. Sometimes, Counsel will be present as well. By and large, having both [Read more]
The idea of ‘adding value’ to a settlement to achieve agreement is not a new one. It can work wonderfully well when a Mediator/Solicitor is [Read more]
3 hours may sound like a long time but, in mediation, that time can pass very quickly. One of the most popular services we [Read more]
In my everyday life as a solicitor and mediator, I often reflect on the cases I have litigated for my clients in the past. I [Read more]
Earlier this year, I mediated a landlord and tenant dispute between individuals, relating to a retail property. The mediation was booked under our 3 hour [Read more]
It is a common misconception that mediation automatically means you have to compromise or ‘give up’ something. It is of course an important element of [Read more]
Not settling on the day is not necessarily the end of the world Sometimes mediation does not result in a settlement on the day. There [Read more]
I was instructed on a case centring on a dispute between neighbours. There were all sorts of complex and involved legal issues at stake, including [Read more]